Windows and other glazed surfaces can account for more heat gain or loss than any other aspect of your home’s building fabric.
To save you money and decrease the amount of money spent to heat your home in winter or cool it in summer, it is recommended you increase the insulation of your windows by installing effective window treatments.
Smarter windows
If permanent shading structures allow it:
- East facing windows will allow the morning sun in
- North facing windows will allow solar gains through most of the daylight hours
- West facing windows will allow the afternoon sun in
Defined Interiors recommend you increase the insulation of your windows by installing effective window coverings to suit the orientation of your home.
Heavy curtains to the floor fitted snugly to the window with a pelmet offer great insulation to keep the cold out in winter and keep the heat out in summer.
Blinds are more effective if they are a tight fit, recessed into the reveal close to the window.
In Summer keep window treatments closed to keep the inside temperature cooler and open them up in Winter to let the sun naturally heat up your home.
Outside Awnings will reflect the amount of heat on the glass and reduce the amount of heat entering your home.